Top 10k strings from Jokers Wild - Adventure (1984)(Phoenix Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   4 in the Bearded Lady's
   2 will destroy it if the safety
   2 where three paths meet. The path west goes between two
   2 wandering the Mirror
   2 waits for your ticket
   2 trying to find the
   2 the Vortex
   2 tent. A sign says 'CLOSED'
   2 tent. A flap leads to another
   2 switch is set
   2 surrounded by ghosts.
   2 suit with a tin heart over the  pocket
   2 stirrups looks odd. To ride, go West
   2 standing at a crossroadswith the carousel to the west
   2 smashes down
   2 shines at the end
   2 room. There is a bloodstain on
   2 realise it won't stop. Your
   2 owns the content to safety, withno con.
   2 outside the Hall of
   2 outside the Ghost Train.It has a padlock
   2 outside the Fortune
   2 outside the Bunko Booth
   2 outside the Bearded
   2 open. Inside is a map and a
   2 on the Ghost Train. The power fails, and you are left indarkness. Suddenly seven ghosts surround you
   2 on a track. South is theClowns tent
   2 on a path between two
   2 now on the horse. The
   2 noise is heard next door
   2 must give me 14 diamonds.
   2 much for you. Bye Bye
   2 lost!! in the Hall of
   2 litter the floor
   2 lever to be inserted. Footprintslead away
   2 in the training area.
   2 in the Spanish
   2 in the Primitive Peoples& Weapons room. Around you are
   2 in the Mirror Maze
   2 in the Juggler's tent.
   2 in the Hollywood Horrorsroom. Frankenstein looms on yourright and Dracula leers
   2 in the Hall of Mirrors. On one wall is a large button
   2 in the Hall of Mirrors. In a corner is a box opened by aphotoelectric cell
   2 in the Hall of Mirrors
   2 in the Ghost Train Car. The door shuts & with a jolt youare off
   2 in the French Revolutionroom. As you look a guillotine
   2 in the Fortune Teller's tent. She says 'You need a womanwho is not what she seems.' A
   2 in the Clown's tent.
   2 in the Circus Ring.
   2 in the Big Top. West is an elephant act. North an open
   2 in a tunnel. A light
   2 in a Ferris Wheel car.
   2 floor, and a badge saying she isa special agent
   2 flap leads out
   2 figures of pigmies and other
   2 falls asleep-it was drugged
   2 enemies have won
   2 diamonds, and you have none
   2 constituent particles
   2 by the silent Ferris
   2 by the Ferris Wheel. It is not working
   2 by the Bearded Lady's
   2 but forgot one safety measure.
   2 buried in the Ring. The weapon
   2 b>(2#[2.[>
   2 at the Chamber of
   2 at the Carousel. A horseis waiting to go. One of its
   2 at the Big Top entrance.The Ringmaster beckons for your ticket
   2 arrow at you
   2 are only 13 diamonds in a pack.'What else will you give
   2 are no match for its strength.
   2 among the animal cages. A tiger in a combination-locked cage snarls
   2 alien design-the Vortex
   2 You'll have to start again
   2 You have destroyed the Vortex,
   2 You don't have i
   2 You dig down, and find a box
   2 You can't read it-it's a book oftickets
   2 You can't go in that directio
   2 You can't do that ye
   2 You can't do that her
   2 You can see:
   2 Wheel. There is space for a
   2 What will you give him?
   2 Well Done! You have destroyed
   2 WILD48    |J
   2 WILD16    >:
   2 Visible exits are:
   2 Under the pigmy is a flashgun
   2 They circle your car. One stops at last and says 'To live you
   2 There is a chest in one corner
   2 The universe is now in its
   2 The trainer says 'Give me five  diamonds, and I will move Nelly'
   2 The tracks lead west.
   2 The tiger eats the meat, and
   2 The tiger attacks you, and you
   2 The meat was drugged, and too
   2 The map says the Vortex is
   2 The lock opens, and you enter.
   2 The lock opens, and you can go
   2 The flash causes the box to
   2 The elephant is getting in your way
   2 The club lands in the doorway,  holding it open just long enoughfor you to go through
   2 The chest opens. Inside is a
   2 The attendant takes your ticket
   2 The Ferris Wheel can be seen    slowly moving
   2 The Bearded Lady's dead body is here. Diamonds from a necklace
   2 That's no good
   2 That isn't the right cod
   2 That is no good! He said five
   2 Teller's tent
   2 South into the Ghost Train
   2 Press RECORD, then any ke
   2 No such objec
   2 Mirrors. An attendant waits for your ticket
   2 Mirror Maze exit
   2 Luckily, all that is hit is the heart on your suit
   2 Lady's tent. The sign has gone, and you can enter
   2 It pierces your heart, and killsyou. You'll have to try again inanother life
   2 Inside the box is a device of
   2 Inquisition room. Torture scenessurround you. A rack turned by awheel is in a corner
   2 In the cage is a trough
   2 I see nothing special here
   2 I don't see i
   2 I do not understan
   2 Horrors entrance. An attendant
   2 His props-balls & clubs-scatter the floor
   2 He swaps what you give him for akey, and says 'The 3rd & 12th
   2 He says 'Very good, but there
   2 He says 'That is not good enough.'
   2 He accepts that, and leaves
   2 Ferris Wheel moves. A car stops in front of you. You enter.
   2 Enter the code
   2 Carousel starts to move, gettingfaster, until at last, you
   2 As you pull the 'lever' the
   2 As you press the button a mirrorswings open. As you approach, itstarts to close
   2 As you enter, a pigmy fires an
   2 As you do this, a trapdoor opensin the floor
   2 A trainer sweeps up
   2 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888:88888:9888888888888888888888888:888::99888::8888888F88888888888:88:::9988:::8888888F88888888888:88:999988:::8888888F88F88888888:8889999888888888888F88F88888888:88:9999::8888888888F88F88888888888=899:>>>888888888F88F88888888889999::>>>888888888F88F88888888889999::>>8888888888F88F888888888899::>>888888888888F88F888888888888::>>888888888888F88F888888888888::>>888888888888F88F88888888888:>>88888888888888F88F888888888888>>88888888888888F88F888888888888>>88888888888888F88F888888888888>>88888:88888888F888888888888888>>88888:88888888F888888888888888>>88888:88888888F88888888888888:::::888:88888888F8888888888888888888888:888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
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   1 WILD48    
   1 WILD16    
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 %%%%%TIGER%%%%%
   1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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